Kirsti Taylor Bye
From Trondheim, Norway,
Lives and works in Göteborg, Sweden
Kirsti has an ongoing collaboration with Erik Betshammar, to see more go to erikirsti.com.
She is also the mother of Aki, and a board member of Konstnärernas MammaKollektiv
and a member of Forbundet Frie Fotografer (FFF) and Konstnärernas Riksorganisation (KRO).
2015 – 2018 BA Liberal Arts, Göteborgs universitet, Sweden
2009 – 2011 MFA Photography, Högskolan för fotografi, Göteborg, Sweden
2006 – 2009 BA (hons) Photography, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK
2004 – 2005 Photography, Krabbesholm Højskole, Skive, Denmark
Selected Exhibitions
2023 Påtal om värde och bla bla bla, galleri Konstepidemin (SE)
2023 Konstnärernas MammaKollektiv, A1, Malmö (SE)
2022 Konstnärernas MammaKollektiv, WHO’s museum, Malmö (SE)
2022 Salong CFF, Vulkano, Göteborg (SE) w. Erik Betshammar (SE)
2021 عين الإنسان / `eayan al-iinsan, Fotografiens Hus, Oslo (NO) w. Erik Betshammar (NO)
2019 τρι-χρωμα, Galleri Cora Hillebrand, Göteborg (SE)
2019 Høstutstillingen 2019, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo (NO)
2019 Omne/Work territorio come laboratorio, door, Rome (IT)
2018 MOSTRE, Museo Casa Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto (IT)
2015 Wood Works, Galleri 54, Göteborg, (solo), (SE)
2014 Acting together (though neither of them separatly), fotogalleriet [format], Malmö (duo) (SE)
2013 Som en skog i Skogen, Skogen, Göteborg, (solo) (SE)
2013 Inner Realms, Rotor, Göteborg (SE)
2012 Kulturnatt, Bezdomny Studios, Göteborg (SE)
2012 Dead or Alive, Kurant visningsrom,Tromsø (NO)
2011 Steigen i verden, verden i Steigen, Galleri Flatøy, Steigen (NO)
2011 Vardagens vanor, minnen och mysterier, Fotografins Hus, Stockholm (SE)
2011 Travelling Light, James Hockey and Foyer Galleries, Farnham (UK)
2011 Travelling Light, National Institute of Design Paldi, Ahmedabad (IN)
2011 An inventory of something that has never happened, (solo),Lalaland, Göteborg (SE)
2011 När det hender, Grupp Nio, Göteborg Kunsthall, Göteborg (SE)
2010 Surrounded By Seven, Grupp Nio, Alingsås Kunsthall, Alingsås (SE)
2010 Tomrom,Tomrom Gallerirom, Göteborg (SE)
2010 Dear Child Have Many Names, artistdriven gallery project, Trondheim (NO)
2010 Mutual Friend, Högskolan för Fotografi, Göteborg (SE)
2010 You Know, It’s Not The Guggenheim, Galleri Montior, Göteborg (SE)
2010 Going Global,Victoria and Albert Museum, London (UK)
2009 Passage 3093, Högskolan för Fotografi, Göteborg (SE)
2009 Itchy Scratchy, Permanent Gallery, Brighton (UK)
2009 Eclectic,Truman Brewery, London (UK)
2009 NorskArt 09; Art from the Arctic,The Maverik Showroom, London (UK)
2008 No Reason, National Institute of Design Paldi, Ahmedabad (IN)
2008 7, The Hop Blossom, Farnham (UK)
2008 Hjemme Alene,Tromsø Kunstforening,Tromsø (NO)
2005 1+1, Galleri Senko,Viborg (DK)
2015 1-year work grant, Konstnärsnämnden
2015 Göteborg stad PRONTO!
2015 Helge A:xon Johnsons stiftelse
2013 Wilhelm og Martina Lundgrens stiftelse
2011 Carl Larssonstipendet
2011 Adlerberthskas educational grant
2010 Adlerberthskas educational grant
2010 Marie Bachkes travelgrant
2010 Jansons Stiftelse, educational grant
2009 Adlerberthskas tralevgrant
2008 Marie Bachkes travelgrant
2008 Prime Ministers Initiative 2 Fund, British Council
2019 Text in Men i allt det diffusa, får vi ändå ett säkert grepp om omgivningens karaktär (English title: However, Despite the Haze You Can Still Get a Concrete Feeling for the Surroundings), Artist book by Erik Betshammar, published 2019 on Null & Void Books.
2014 Jeg gjorde noe for et år siden, writing with and about my own work of and in the woods at tsnok.se
2012 ettersom/eftersom, artist book together with Erik Betshammar
2012 Naughty Girl, fanzine published by Heidi-Anett Haugen & Lena Johansen
2012 Yearbook 2011 School of Photography, Göteborg
2012 30 år för fotografi, anniversary publication for the School of photography
2011 Travelling Light Catalogue, Bookroom Press, UK and India
Work and Other
2017 Internship at Trondheim Kunstmuseum (NO)
2016 Residency OMNELab, Castelfranco Veneto, (IT)
2015 Festival artist at Bakgårdsfestivalen, Arvika (SE)
2014 Residency at Galleri Box, watching grass grow between 9th – 18th of June, Göteborg (SE)
2012 – 2013 Residency at Skogen, Göteborg (SE)
2011 – 2012 Academic assistant, Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Arts, University of Tromsø (NO)
2009 Assistant for artist Marte Aas (NO)
2008 Residency National Institute of Art and Design, Ahmedabad (IN)
2007 – 2009 Freelance sports photographer, SportCam ltd. (UK)